
How to configure tor proxy in tails
How to configure tor proxy in tails

how to configure tor proxy in tails

sudo /sbin/iptables -I OUTPUT 3 -o lo -s -d -p tcp -syn -dport 21325 -m owner -uid-owner amnesia -m conntrack -ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT.Open a terminal and run the following commands.Once the Tails Live session finishes starting up, setup your network as usual.This is necessary since root privileges are needed to install the Trezor Bridge package and to set an iptables rule. On the initial Tails setup screen, set an administrative password.This article presents the handful of steps necessary to get the Trezor web wallet () to work with Tor Browser on a Tails 4.11 Live session. Using the Trezor web wallet with Tor Browser on Tails 4.11 Live Using the Trezor web wallet with Tor Browser on Tails 4.11 Live

How to configure tor proxy in tails